Principal Message
To my Sugarcreek Family:
As we begin another year together, I hope you know I am so proud to work with you, the faculty and staff and, above all, your amazing kids. Although they aren't mine, I hope you know that I will strive each day to treat your kids like they are my own; and, in the same way, don't ever forget that I am equally honored to partner with you as we strive together to prepare these kids to be compassionate, empathetic, critically-thoughtful, and loving leaders.
To help us prepare our kids to become these things, Sugarcreek has laid out a set of core values that will guide us this school year:
1. Sugarcreek will share and teach compassion to all.
2. Sugarcreek is a team.
3. Kids come first.
4. Building relationships with students, families, and with one another is a priority.
We also recognize that in order to embody these core values, we must take actionable steps. Therefore, we have outlined the following goals for the 2018-2019 school year:
1. Develop consistency across the curriculum through a common academic vocabulary, standards-based instruction, communication with one another, and high expectations for all students.
2. Engage our families and communities through regular communication home and school involvement.
3. Use technology transformationally by identifying our own areas of growth, participating in professional development, and collaborating.
4. Positively recognize the value of attendance and academics by communicating with families and recognizing students who grow as well as those who regularly excel.
Our values and goals cannot be achieved without you, the parents and guardians. I encourage you to be present in our building, to engage with us in dialogue, and to set the tone for your kids at home.
As always, my door is open and my ears are ready to listen.
Let's have another great year.
Jeff Wagner